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Master Level Marriage

Pastor Ronnie Gaines

Extreme Church

Sundays @ 6pm


Gary Treas

Boomerang Diner

Mondays @ 5:30pm


Kim and Stephanie

Extreme Church

Tuesdays @ 6:00pm

The Circle Maker Bible Study

Oletta Beard

120 Stonebridge Dr

Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

The Bridge - Feed the homeless
Linda Treas

Extreme Church

Thursdays @ 5:30pm

Creative Writing

John & Robin Wallis
Extreme Church

Fridays @ 6:30pm

Master Level Marriage

The Master Level Marriage eGroup is a purpose-driven group dedicated to fostering thriving and resilient marriages. Our eGroup is committed to nurturing the health, strength and solidarity of couples' relationships through a blend of enriching activities, insightful discussions, and a deep focus on the spiritual aspects of partnership. In this group, couples take a transformative journey, gaining valuable tools, support, and guidance to fortify their bond and elevate their marriage to its highest potential. Join us as we empower and inspire each other on the path to enduring love and fulfillment.


Veterans group that talks about their service time and supports one another.  At times we will talk about programs and options that are available to Veterans.


As Christians, Jesus influences everything we do.  We are called to glorify Him in WHATEVER our hands find to do.  We want to unite those of us crocheters who are sisters in Christ.  We will also be teaching others this craft that want to learn. Beginners welcome.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

    -1 Corinthians 10:31

The Circle Maker Bible Study

Praying circles around your biggest dreams and greatest fears.  What impossibly big dream is God calling you to draw a prayer circle around?

The Bridge - Feed the Homeless

We exist to provide a place of community and life transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit.  A bridge is a connection and we as Christ followers are called to connect and take care of others.

Galations 6:2 “Carry each others burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.

The Bridge will be connecting to the displaced, the homeless, and the hurting by providing them meals.

Creative Writing

With the help from a textbook by author, Jeff Gerke, “The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction”.  This eGroup will help guide you to finding your story, honing your skills, and glorifying God in your novel. 

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